Jim Berns
Registered Advanced Ortho-Bionomy® Instructor
Advanced Practitioner Program
Advanced Practitioner Training is a program for those who want to continue their training after completion of the Practitioner program. The Advanced Practitioner Program allows for Practitioners to continue in their learning and professional development. The focus in this program is to expand the Practitioner's understanding and application of the more advanced work of Ortho-Bionomy®.
The Advanced Practitioner Training Program consists of classroom study, residential/intensive study, mentorship and practical experience. It includes:
• 282 units of classroom study, including Phase 4, 5, 6, 7 and other classes
• 40 units of Residential/Intensive study
• 24 units of Tutorial/Mentorship time
• 150 Units of Documented Sessions and Practical Experience
You may use the links below to download a PDF of the Advanced Practitioner Training Program Handbook. This includes detailed information of the program, from application, program forms to the course requirements and program completion. There is also a link to the Program Fees in Paypal.
Advanced Practitioner Training Handbook