Jim Berns
Registered Advanced Ortho-Bionomy® Instructor
Advanced Energy Releases- Phase 6 Class
We are more than our muscles and bones. We are our energy, emotions, and all the experiences that have led us to this moment. How would it feel to connect to all those parts of who we are?
Advanced Energy Releases (Phase 6) Ortho-Bionomy® provides you with the awareness and sensitivity that all around and through our bones, muscles, and organs, there is energy. When we make contact with this energy in our client and ourselves, we feel recognized and respond at a deeper level. This level of Ortho-Bionomy can allow our clients to experience themselves profoundly- physically and energetically.
The skills and sensitivity gained from this Advanced Energy Releases- Phase 6 Class can be used throughout your practice and felt in your whole body.
Some of these specific skills gained from this Advanced Energy Releases- Phase 6 Class that you can use with your clients are:
1. Where the client’s body is calling out for you to work on to create the best results.
2. Where the client’s body is not wanting you to work on.
3. The exact timing to touch an area of their body.
4. The exact timing to not touch an area of their body.
5. The impulse response in their nervous system that will allow you to feel their unwinding at an incredibly deep level.
6. When the client’s body is done and pushing your energy away or when they want you to stay longer.
7. The strong effect on their body and energy when you are being present with them.
8. The effect you will have on your client when you are releasing your own patterns while you work on them.
9. The different layers of their body- skin, muscle, bone, to determine which layer is needing your attention.
The skills and sensitivity gained from this class can be used throughout your practice with any modality that you use.
In this Advanced Energy Releases (Phase 6)- Class YOU WILL:
· Learn to make contact with more of your client’s essence: Physically, Emotionally, and Energetically.
· Help your clients discover even deeper places of quietness and relief that will surprise them and you.
· Fine-tune the energy of your own body in order to release your client’s tensions.
· Amaze your clients by how little it takes from you to release their pain.
My intention for this class is to take any of the healing modalities that you do to a deeper and more profound level with your clients! The feedback from those that have taken this class in the past is that their sensitivity and work is never the same again, and has changed immensely.
This information is such a powerful and important class to understand Ortho-Bionomy more fully, that it is a required class to complete the Associate and Registered Practitioner Programs.
"This class has so much more for me and it will always be part of my practice." Oakland, California
"Many new concepts and possibilities of perception were opened up for me. (Jim is an)…excellent communicator/”translator”. Lots of deep knowledge of the body and its possibilities." Scottsdale, Arizona