Jim Berns
Registered Advanced Ortho-Bionomy® Instructor
Trainings / Classes
Why add Ortho-Bionomy® training to your Bodywork/Massage Education?
Ortho-Bionomy can change the dynamic of your services, from trying to “fix” your clients to instead supporting and facilitating their healing. In Ortho-Bionomy, clients actively participate in their own recovery and healing. Practitioners perform a gentle, non-invasive form of body therapy that works with chronic stress, injuries and pains or problems associated with postural and structural imbalances. These gentle positions, combined with self care techniques, facilitate changes in the client’s stress and pain patterns. With Ortho-Bionomy, we recognize the client’s pattern, find the position of comfort, exaggerate the position of comfort, and in turn support the body’s self-correcting reflexes.
Using Ortho-Bionomy can increase the scope of your practice and draw a wider client base. Because there are no contraindications to Ortho-Bionomy, you can use this modality with clients for whom massage is contra-indicated. Additionally, as Ortho-Bionomy sessions can be done with clothing on, you can draw clients who have trauma and/or body issues and are more comfortable clothed.
By attending Ortho-Bionomy workshops you have the opportunity to learn new techniques through hands on experience. You leave our workshops with skills you can use for yourself, and with your clients. These skills are a great way to set yourself apart from the other therapists in your area.
Many Ortho-Bionomy workshop attendees are massage therapists, body workers and alternative medicine practitioners. Many are searching for additional ways they can support their client’s healing process. They are also looking for a way to increase the longevity of their current practice, which can be physically demanding on their own bodies. Ortho-Bionomy can compliment your existing practice by providing balance, comfort and stress relief.
There is a toll that performing bodywork can take on your own body as a therapist. An aching back, wrists, hands and shoulders are common issues therapists face. Ortho-Bionomy can significantly decrease the pressure and force you apply in a client session, and can decrease the subsequent wear and tear on your body, while increasing your effectiveness. In Ortho-Bionomy workshops, you not only learn healing techniques, but body mechanics so you can provide supportive therapy to your clients, while reducing the stress placed on your own body.
Interested in Training, but not a Bodyworker/Massage Therapist?
Do the Ortho-Bionomy principles appeal to you? Are you interested in increasing your self care abilities or possibly starting a healing practice? Regardless of your experience, Ortho-Bionomy can support your wellness practice, and expand your ability to find physical and energetic comfort.
Ortho-Bionomy sessions are a wonderful way to increase your body awareness and learn to change your patterns of discomfort. In an Ortho-Bionomy workshop, you will learn specific techniques for individual areas of the body, while supporting comfort and balance within yourself. In a session, you learn skills to work with your own pattern. In a workshop you leave with significant skills and awareness, and begin to learn how to share these skills with others. At its core, Ortho-Bionomy is about education. First, we learn about ourselves and our patterns and then we learn to educate others. In a workshop, you begin to see how patterns of imbalance and discomfort can be supported, allowing changes to occur.
We learn ways to increase our ability to walk in life in balance and comfort. We give ourselves and those around us permission to be in comfort. Ortho-Bionomy compliments your existing wellness practices by providing additional tools to support balance and relieve the patterns of stress. These core benefits can enrich our lives. They provide support and comfort to both the individual providing care and to those to which the care is provided. A variety of workshops are offered, from three hour self care to in depth weekend and residential workshops.