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2023 Class Descriptions

SOBI Sponsored Study Group 

Advanced Applications of the Circle Theory (Phase 4)


The Applications of the Circle Theory can be used throughout the whole body in a variety of creative ways. In this class, we will look at advanced applications- constricted muscles, joints of the elbow, knee, shoulders, and sacroiliac joint as well as individual vertebrae reflexes. You will see Applications of the Circle Theory in ways that you may never have thought of before.


This is a hands-on study group. A practice partner is highly recommended.


Study Group

Jaw- Zygomatic Arch & Mandibular Attachments


This 3 hour study group expands Ortho-Bionomy Jaw releases beyond the masseter to include releases for the Zygomatic Arch (cheek bone) and deeper interior Mandibular Attachments. You will explore a broader approach to the region of the Temporal Mandibular Joint.


Ortho-Bionomy® Releases for the Spine & Pelvis (Phase 4)


This Ortho-Bionomy foundation class works with painless, comfortable positions to release tension patterns of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, plus the psoas, ilium rotation, and sacrum. It is amazing how such gentle and simple techniques can give such deep releases. It is easy on the practitioner and can easily be integrated into any massage or bodywork session.


This class is NCBTMB approved.


This class is a requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Associate and Practitioner training programs.  


Ortho-Bionomy® Releases for the Upper Extremities (Phase 4)


This Ortho-Bionomy foundation class works with painless, comfortable positions to release tension patterns of the shoulders, elbows, scapula, clavicles, wrist, and hand.  It is amazing how such gentle techniques can give such deep releases. It is easy on the practitioner and can easily be integrated into any massage or bodywork session.


This class is NCBTMB approved.


This class is a requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Associate and Practitioner training programs.


Ortho-Bionomy® Releases for the Cervical Spine (Phase 4)


Ortho-Bionomy® uses osteopathic-based, gentle, comfortable body positions and movements to stimulate self-correcting reflexes within the muscles and nerves. This method is specific and structure oriented. The techniques of this foundation class can alleviate tension patterns of the cervical spine within 10-30 seconds. It is easy on the practitioner and can be integrated into any massage or bodywork session.


Included in the class tuition is access to a pre-requisite online video with necessary information about Ortho-Bionomy, so that we can spend more class time doing hands on work. If you have recently taken an Ortho-Bionomy class this requirement may be waived, please ask for more details.


The Releases for the Cervical Spine 4 hour class will include hands on techniques for the Upper, Middle, and Lower Neck.


The Cervical Spine, Thoracic Spine, Lumbar Spine, and Pelvis mini classes in combination are the equivalent of the 16 hour Releases for the Spine & Pelvis (Phase 4) class.


This class is NCBTMB approval pending.


This four hour “mini class” can be used for Phase 4 requirements for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Associate and Practitioner training programs.


Ortho-Bionomy® Releases for the Thoracic Spine (Phase 4)


Ortho-Bionomy® uses osteopathic-based, gentle, comfortable body positions and movements to stimulate self-correcting reflexes within the muscles and nerves. This method is specific and structure oriented. The techniques of this foundation class can alleviate tension patterns of the thoracic spine within 10-30 seconds. It is easy on the practitioner and can be integrated into any massage or bodywork session.


Included in the class tuition is access to a pre-requisite online video with necessary information about Ortho-Bionomy, so that we can spend more class time doing hands on work. If you have recently taken an Ortho-Bionomy class this requirement may be waived, please ask for more details.


The Releases for the Cervical Spine 4 hour class will include hands on techniques for the Upper, Middle, and Lower Thoracic Spine.


The Cervical Spine, Thoracic Spine, Lumbar Spine, and Pelvis mini classes in combination are the equivalent of the 16 hour Releases for the Spine & Pelvis (Phase 4) class.


This class is NCBTMB approval pending.


This four hour “mini class” can be used for Phase 4 requirements for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Associate and Practitioner training programs.



Ortho-Bionomy® Releases for the Lumbar Spine (Phase 4)


Ortho-Bionomy® uses osteopathic-based, gentle, comfortable body positions and movements to stimulate self-correcting reflexes within the muscles and nerves. This method is specific and structure oriented. The techniques of this foundation class can alleviate tension patterns of the lumbar spine within 10-30 seconds. It is easy on the practitioner and can be integrated into any massage or bodywork session.


Included in the class tuition is access to a pre-requisite online video with necessary information about Ortho-Bionomy, so that we can spend more class time doing hands on work. If you have recently taken an Ortho-Bionomy class this requirement may be waived, please ask for more details.


The Releases for the Cervical Spine 4 hour class will include hands on techniques for all five Lumbar Vertebrae.


The Cervical Spine, Thoracic Spine, Lumbar Spine, and Pelvis mini classes in combination are the equivalent of the 16 hour Releases for the Spine & Pelvis (Phase 4) class.


This class is NCBTMB approval pending.


This four hour “mini class” can be used for Phase 4 requirements for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Associate and Practitioner training programs.



Ortho-Bionomy® Releases for the Pelvis (Phase 4)


Ortho-Bionomy® uses osteopathic-based, gentle, comfortable body positions and movements to stimulate self-correcting reflexes within the muscles and nerves. This method is specific and structure oriented. The techniques of this foundation class can alleviate tension patterns of the pelvis within 10-30 seconds. It is easy on the practitioner and can be integrated into any massage or bodywork session.


Included in the class tuition is access to a pre-requisite online video with necessary information about Ortho-Bionomy, so that we can spend more class time doing hands on work. If you have recently taken an Ortho-Bionomy class this requirement may be waived, please ask for more details.


The Releases for the Cervical Spine 4 hour class will include hands on techniques for the Psoas, Ilium Rotation patterns, and the Sacrum.


The Cervical Spine, Thoracic Spine, Lumbar Spine, and Pelvis mini classes in combination are the equivalent of the 16 hour Releases for the Spine & Pelvis (Phase 4) class.


This class is NCBTMB approval pending.


This four hour “mini class” can be used for Phase 4 requirements for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Associate and Practitioner training programs.


Advanced Releases for the Ribs (Phase 4)


This class takes the principles of Ortho-Bionomy and applies them to the rib region. When properly applied these releases can affect the thoracic vertebrae, breathing, shoulders, neck, digestion, intercostals, quadratus lumborum, and psoas. The gentleness and ease of using these techniques will amaze you and your clients.


This class is NCBTMB approved.


This class can be used for Phase 4 requirements or to fulfill an elective requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International’s Associate, Practitioner, and Advanced Practitioner training programs. 



Advanced Releases for the Neck & Thoracic Outlet (Phase 4)


This class takes the principles of Ortho-Bionomy and applies them to the neck and thoracic outlet, going beyond the standard moves taught in the Spine & Pelvis (Phase 4) class. When properly applied these releases can affect the bony structure and musculature of the entire pelvic region. Class techniques will include working with the Anterior Neck (Scalenes, SCM), Jaw, Clavicular Attachments, Pectoralis Minor, and Ribs 1-3. The gentleness and ease of using these techniques will amaze you and your clients.


Pre-requisite: One 16 hour Ortho-Bionomy Phase 4 class. 


This class is pending NCBTMB approval.


This class can be used for Phase 4 requirements or to fulfill an elective requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International’s Associate, Practitioner, and Advanced Practitioner training programs.



Ortho-Bionomy® Subtle Physical and Unwinding Techniques (Phase 5)


This Ortho-Bionomy class combines sensitivity training with subtle physical releases. The student learns to follow the client’s self-corrective reflexes. These releases are excellent for people experiencing deep pain, including highly sensitive people who can not tolerate more vigorous work. This work bridges the body-mind connection and can be easily integrated into any bodywork session.


This class is pending NCBTMB approval.


This class is a requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Associate and Practitioner training programs.  


Ortho-Bionomy® Advanced Energy Releases (Phase 6)


We are more than our muscles and bones. We are our energy, emotions, and all the experiences that have led us to this moment. How would it feel to connect with all of who you are? This Ortho-Bionomy class provides you with the awareness that all around our bones, muscles, and organs there is energy. When we make contact with this energy, we allow ourselves to deeply be recognized and respond at a more profound level, in our clients and within ourselves. You will learn specific touch and energetic skills that take any healing modality that you use to a deeper and more profound level. This class will significantly increase your sensitivity and ability to connect and work with your clients on physical, emotional, and energetic levels.


This class is a requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Associate and Practitioner training programs.  


Ortho-Bionomy® Energetic Connection from a Distance (Phase 7)


Connection and healing can happen when we are near someone and also when we are far away. What does it take to create that connection and healing from a distance? In this experiential 16 hour class we will explore:

    •  What do we feel in our body when we “tune in” to someone from far away?

    •  How can we soften and quiet ourselves to feel a shift or a response with someone from a distance?

    •  Specific techniques to sensitize our body to feel more subtle energy.

For some, this class is the next step in their understanding of Ortho-Bionomy. For others, it brings all that they have studied into a more concrete and clearer perspective.


This class is an elective for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Associate and Practitioner training programs and a requirement for the Advanced Practitioner training program.


Pre-requisite: One 16 hour Ortho-Bionomy hands-on class.



Ortho-Bionomy® Experiential Ethics & Emotional Issues


This introspective exploration of who we are directly affects our therapeutic relationship with our clients. This class combines sharing of information, body awareness exercises, and self-awareness of patterns. You will walk away from this class with a deeper understanding of being a sensitive body therapist. Some students have wished that they had this class as part of their initial massage therapy training. 


This class is NCBTMB approved and counts towards most states’ Ethics requirements.


This class is a requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Associate and Practitioner training programs.  



Ortho-Bionomy® Isometrics / Isotonics


Isometric and Isotonic techniques add the additional tool of active movement to your therapeutic sessions. This can bring the element of strengthening into your session, giving the therapist an additional approach to releasing contracted areas. Isometrics and Isotonics can be invaluable for releasing “hard-to-reach” restrictions, without creating pain. Through the use of reciprocal inhibition, the muscle can be engaged, self-correcting reflexes can be stimulated, and habitual holding patterns can be released. These techniques can encourage clients to actively participate in their session and can easily become homework for self-care. Learn a fast and effective tool for your practice that is gentle for your clients and easy on your body.


There are no prerequisites for this class, and we will cover the essentials of the Phase 4 positional release procedure.


This class is NCBTMB approved.


This class is a requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Practitioner training program.  



Ortho-Bionomy® Exploration of Movement


In this Ortho-Bionomy class we use hands-on passive movements to assess, to release, and to integrate different areas of the body. This is a technique that folds in seamlessly with any kind of bodywork you are already doing, and not only is it fun to do but it also feels so good! Using the body’s innate wisdom, you will fine tune your ability to sense patterns in the movement of the tissue, the responses of the proprioceptive reflexes and use them in your practice.


This class is NCBTMB approved.


This class is a requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® Practitioner training program.


Ortho-Bionomy® Self Care

“Healer Heal Thyself”


Caring for ourselves helps to renew our energy, to clear our mind, and to prepare our body for working with our clients.


This Ortho-Bionomy class will explore self-care for these parts of the body: Neck; Shoulders; First Rib; Hands/Wrists; Arms; Back; Pelvis; Feet; Plus a technique for the Ears (from mask fatigue)


This class can fulfill an elective requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International’s Associate, Practitioner, and Advanced Practitioner training programs.


Ortho-Bionomy® Cranial


In this class we will be working with the structure and skin-muscle-bone (Phase 4), unwinding (Phase 5), and the energetics of the cranium (Phase 6). We will explore how the dynamic of relaxing the practitioner can deeply release the client. With the influence of the different nerves, blood, meridians, and brain stimulations going through the neck, head, and face, the effects of this work can be quite powerful. It can give the saying “get your head together” a whole other meaning. 


This may be different from any other cranial class you have taken. The skills and sensitivity gained from this class can be used with any modality throughout the whole body.


Pre-requisite: One 16 hour Ortho-Bionomy class.


This class can fulfill an elective requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International’s Associate or Practitioner training programs, and is required for the Advanced Practitioner training program.


Ortho-Bionomy® Demonstration Skills


Every time you talk about Ortho-Bionomy, whether you are interacting with a client, someone you meet, or a friend, you are presenting yourself professionally and giving an “introductory talk.” Your feelings and excitement about Ortho-Bionomy come across in your words, energy, and body language.

To help you clearly and easily communicate about Ortho-Bionomy, this class will help you clarify:

What is Ortho-Bionomy?

What does an Ortho-Bionomy session look like?

How does Ortho-Bionomy feel?

What are the benefits of getting an Ortho-Bionomy session?

This Demonstration Skills Class will give you the confidence, knowledge, and experience to embody “being” Ortho-Bionomy, not just talking about it. Students will practice together in a safe, open, and supportive atmosphere. Whether you are a beginning student or finishing your practitioner program, this class can be an incredible experience!


This class is NCBTMB approved as a business/marketing class.


This class is a requirement for the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International’s Practitioner Training Program.


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